how to care for your silkworms
1. Silkworms only eat mulberry leaves, any kind will do. Clean and dry. Never feed wet leaves as this can give them diarrhea. You may put them in a clean tupperware, uncovered. They do not climb out.
2. Feed as often as you can and make sure their container is clean. Remove frass (poop) and dried up leaves daily. Always clean your hands before and after handling them.
3. Raise them at room temperature. In 2 to 3 weeks, when they have reached to at least 2 inches, you will observe a change in them. They will start wandering around and spin silk out of their mouths. They are looking for a place to anchor themselves and spin silk cocoons.
4. Drop them in a box with at least two sides. Let them be and do not disturb. They will let out their last excrement, which will be yellow and very wet goop. Do not be alarmed. They are just getting rid of excess liquid so that they can turn into a pupa inside the cocoon.
5. In 2-3 days the silkworms will have wrapped itself in a perfect yellow or white cocoon. Do not remove the cocoon from the box until it is firm. You can rattle a little and hear the formed pupa inside.
6. In about two weeks moths will emerge. They do not eat, drink, or fly. They will mate and lay eggs in a few days and then die within the week. You may place the moths on a piece of paper and let them lay eggs. Wait 2 weeks, and put the eggs in the fridge crisper section in a ziploc bag. In the Spring of next year, you may start the cycle again or give the eggs to your teacher.
You may refer to website or for more information.